Monday, February 8, 2010

The Great Backyard Bird Count

Hey! If you want something fun to do with your kids, or need a chance to get outside, the Great Backyard Bird Count is this coming weekend! It's a great opportunity to do some citizen science, and have a good time.

For more information you can check out their web site at

It is really quite simple, you just find a place where you can watch birds for at least 15 minutes (ie. your yard, a park, a wildlife preserve, and count the highest number of each species that you see at one time. Keep track of your findings and then enter them before March 1 on the web site. Scientists have been using the results of these surveys for years to help them keep track of changes in various bird populations. The bird count goes from Feb. 12 to Feb. 15 and it's a fun activity for anyone.

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